Art & The 3rd Eye

Have you ever been to a psychic, astrologer, or medium who gave you a much longed for spiritual message of comfort, confirmation, or validation? 

Wouldn’t you like to be able to access that spiritual guidance and confirmation for yourself?

You can.

I want to teach you the practices that I know and have used for many years to help me develop my connection with guidance and with spiritual help.

I am clairaudient.  I did not know this for sure until a few years ago.  Throughout my life, I heard messages upon waking in the morning or necessary messages in times of distress.  But in 2019 after reading Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton, I realized that for my whole Iife I was hearing my spirit guides.

After this realization, I decided to consciously develop this skill and build a relationship with my spirit guides, and with God, so I could receive daily guidance and spiritual comfort from these companions.

I had already developed several skills and practices that supported my ability to channel and communicate with the spiritual realm: right-brain drawing, 3rd Eye breathing, and energy healing.

*Right-brain drawing gets you into an expanded state of awareness and helps you to make connections.  It also turns off the monkey mind or chatter that is often going on in your head, keeping you from hearing your higher self or your guidance.  Right brain drawing can bring you into a non-temporal state of awareness which opens you up to feeling connected to Universal Consciousness, your guidance, and even God.

*3rd Eye breathing is a breathing technique that balances your brain, 6th chakra, and 3rd Eye so that you can easily get into a more expanded state of consciousness.

*I started studying and practicing energy healing in 1993.  I have taken many workshops and intensives on the 3rd Eye or 6th Chakra.  I know a simple energy healing technique that you can do at home daily to help balance and open your 3rd Eye.

Art & The 3rd Eye is a fun and interactive learning experience.
You will experience and learn to feel the shift into the expanded state of awareness known as
“opening your 3rd Eye”.

The benefits of opening your 3rd Eye include:

*Improved mental clarity

*Expanded intuition

*Increased psychic ability

*Enhanced creativity

*Developed sense of inner knowing and insight

*Intensified ability to perceive your guidance and/or your higher self

You will learn foundational information and skills to balance and open your 3rd Eye, including:

*Learning about the aura, the 3rd Eye, and the brain  

*Practicing simple right brain drawing techniques to shift you into expanded awareness

*Doing a breathing practice to balance and arouse your 3rd Eye

*Applying an energy healing practice to balance and stimulate the brain and 6th chakra

All supplies are provided.  There will also be yummy refreshments at the break.

Art & The 3rd Eye is hosted on Saturdays, from 2 pm to 5 pm.

The cost is $144

Scroll through our gallery to see the highlights from our Art & 3rd Eye ….

We are here to support you on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Whether you have questions about our services or want to schedule a session, we're here to help.

Contact Us
(928) 864-7060

105 Roadrunner Dr., Suite #5, Sedona, AZ 86336