Lunar Eclipse: Your Path to Transformation 

The Eclipse cycle can be challenging. It is a time of re-aligning to your soul direction (North Node).  You could feel an urgency to make changes or deal with something weighing on you.  I would describe it as a feeling of intense pressure to change. The eclipse energy shows us where to pay attention in our lives.

The Lunar Eclipse, in particular, urges us to release, to reflect, and to embrace the
path our soul is meant to follow.


What are Eclipses?

Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align, creating moments of heightened energy and awareness. There are two types of eclipses: Solar Eclipses, which occur during a New Moon, and Lunar Eclipses, which happen during a Full Moon. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon and creating a powerful cosmic event. The Sun and Moon are in opposition, with the Moon aligning near the Nodes of Fate, making this type of eclipse more emotionally charged than its solar counterpart.

Lunar Eclipses signify culmination, closure, and the need to let go. Lunar Eclipse is about releasing what no longer aligns with our soul’s path. These eclipses often bring sudden changes, unexpected endings, or emotional revelations that can feel unsettling but are ultimately necessary for growth.

The energy of a Lunar Eclipse highlights areas in our lives that are out of balance, forcing us to reflect and make adjustments. During this time, we might feel an urgent need to change, a pressure that may be emotional, mental, or even physical. This pressure, though uncomfortable, is a crucial step in the process of transformation.

Lunar Eclipses, while intense, are also opportunities for transformation. As you move through this period, surrender to the changes that are unfolding. Trust that the shifts you’re experiencing are leading you toward your highest good. Let go of the need for control and embrace the uncertainty that comes with stepping into the unknown.

As Bryant McGill aptly said, "Crisis is what suppressed pain looks like; it always comes to the surface. It shakes you into reflection and healing."


Tips for Working with the Eclipse Energy

Navigating the energy of an eclipse, particularly a Lunar Eclipse, can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. The key is to surrender to the changes rather than resist them.

Here are a few tips to help you work with the intensity of the eclipse season:

★ Eclipses bring things to light.  In my experience it is better to embrace
it and sink into it (breathe into it), rather than to resist it.

★ Resistance causes more suffering.  Surrendering to the eclipse illumination will
help it be more comfortable and will also guide you into what action to take.

★ Practice your breathing exercises (to turn off nervous system alarm)

★ Increase your “comfort activities” -- like giving yourself your comfort
foods, taking baths, getting a pedicure, etc.

★ You can positively work with your emotions through your senses --
play with color, texture, smell, taste, and music. 

★ Keep a journal or make process art during this period.

★ Stay with the energy.


As we move through Eclipse Season, allow yourself to feel the full spectrum of emotions. Allow yourself to grieve the loss of what’s leaving, and celebrate the arrival of what’s to come. Trust that the Universe is guiding you toward your highest path, even if the journey feels uncertain.

If you’re feeling called to explore these themes more deeply, consider joining my Lunar Alchemy Experience. This immersive experience is designed to help you harness the power of the Moon’s cycles for your personal and spiritual growth, guiding you to navigate the transformative energy of eclipses, set meaningful intentions, and realign with the true path of your soul.

You are on the brink of realignment with your highest self. Step boldly into it.


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