Advancing Your Psychic Work: 6 Steps to Deepen Your Intuition

I recently worked with someone who had a spiritual awakening a few years ago and began having "downloads" from Spirit. I could sense her excitement and enthusiasm about this new intuitive work and receiving these downloads. She inspired me to think about my psychic work and how I have advanced it over the years.

I hear these kinds of stories frequently from people about their spiritual awakenings in the last few years and their psychic abilities coming online in a major way. My story, by contrast, is one of a spiritual awakening 30 years ago, followed by slow and steady growth in my psychic ability. In hindsight, I have had psychic and intuitive abilities my whole life, yet I did not have the self-awareness to realize what it was. In 2018, for example, after listening to Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton, I realized that I had been hearing my spiritual guidance throughout my life. That shift in my self-awareness helped me to begin consciously connecting to, communicating with, and listening to my spiritual guidance and ultimately develop a practice of channeling.

This blog is for you if you want to practice any of the following:

*Hear your spiritual guidance

*Receive messages or signs

*Develop creative ideas

*See visions

*Feel sensations from the spirit realm


The psychic process is deeply personal, yet there are common themes in how we receive and interpret
spiritual messages. This week, as I prepared for my class, I had a download that directed me to focus on how we listen, receive, deepen, and confirm our psychic experiences. This intuitive nudge led me to reflect on the steps I
have used over the years to advance my own psychic work.

Psychic and intuitive work share many similarities with creative work. If you engage in any artistic practice,
whether it’s painting, poetry, coaching, or other forms of creative expression, you are already tapping into psychic energy. The creative process often involves receiving inspiration, just as psychic work involves receiving messages. For
example, one of my students described experiencing a flood of downloads when she began writing a poem.
This connection between creativity and intuition underscores the importance of allowing yourself
to be open and receptive.

The first step in this process is recognizing that we are constantly receiving messages. The universe is always communicating with us through signs, symbols, and subtle nudges. However, in order to notice these messages, we must quiet our minds. This is why I often refer to what I call step one - getting quiet enough to actually do the receptive
work. If our minds are cluttered with distractions, doubts, or daily stresses, it becomes much harder to
tune in to spiritual guidance.

Grounding is essential for this process. For years, I experienced psychic insights primarily in a visual way,
but I struggled to feel the energy in my body. This was due, in part, to my past experiences that caused me to spend much of my life disconnected from my physical self. Over time, I learned that grounding into my body allowed me
to experience intuition on a deeper level, not just through sight, but through sensation. If you
want to expand your psychic abilities, grounding is a critical practice to cultivate.

Another key factor in psychic work is timing. Different times of the day, seasons, and moon phases can impact
our ability to receive messages. For example, I have found that I am most intuitive in the morning, as my mind is clearer and more receptive. Some of my students have shared similar experiences, noting that the early morning theta state allows for a heightened connection to the spiritual realm. While others, experience an increase in intuitive activity at night,
often waking up around 3AM, a time when the Earth’s vibration is said to shift. This phenomenon is recognized in
many spiritual traditions, including Native American and yogic practices, which emphasize that certain
hours of the night are prime for spiritual work.

Understanding your personal biorhythms can help you determine when you are most psychically attuned. There is
even a belief that the time of day you were born can indicate when your psychic abilities are strongest. I was born at
5:08 AM, and I have noticed that if I engage in psychic work at that exact time, whether in the morning or evening,
it tends to be particularly potent. If you are curious, try scheduling time with your guides at the hour of
your birth and see what happens.

The journey of developing psychic abilities is one of continuous exploration and refinement. It requires quieting
the mind, grounding into the body, and recognizing the unique rhythms that enhance our intuitive gifts. Now, let’s
dive into six steps that can help you advance your psychic work, from both my personal experiences and
the insights shared in my class.


6 Steps to Advance Your Psychic Work

1. Get Grounded: Get Quiet

Before you can receive clear messages, you need to create space for them. Grounding yourself through breathwork, meditation, or time in nature helps you quiet mental chatter and tune into higher frequencies. A calm mind is the foundation of all psychic work.

2. Listen, Vision, Feel

Once you are grounded, begin paying attention to what comes through. Messages can arrive as thoughts, images, feelings, or even sensations in the body. Don’t force anything, simply observe. The more you practice, the clearer your perception becomes.

3. Document It

Journaling is a powerful tool for psychic development. Writing down insights, visions, or dreams not only helps you remember them but also allows you to track patterns over time. You might notice recurring symbols or themes that reveal deeper truths.

4. Research It / Deepen It

After documenting your experiences, take time to explore their meanings. Look into spiritual traditions, symbolism, or historical connections that align with your messages. Discussing with like-minded individuals can also bring new layers of understanding.

5. Practice It / Implement It

Psychic work, like any skill, requires practice. Use your insights in daily life. Practical application strengthens your connection to spirit.

6. Develop It by Repeating Steps 1-4

Psychic growth is an ongoing process. The more you ground yourself, listen, document, research, and practice, the stronger your abilities will become. Each cycle deepens your understanding and refines your skills, helping you advance your spiritual journey.

With consistent practice and intention, these steps will sharpen your psychic abilities and deepen your connection
to the spiritual realm, allowing you to receive guidance with greater clarity and confidence.


Psychic development is a journey of patience, practice, and trust. As you continue exploring your intuitive gifts,
remember that every insight, every vision, and every whisper from Spirit is a step toward greater alignment.
The more you listen, the more the universe speaks.

If you want to deepen your understanding of timing and learn how to work with the Seasons and Moon Cycle to
optimize your psychic and intuitive work, I invite you to join
Soul Gardening on Monday evenings.

It’s a space to cultivate your gifts, grow in understanding, and work in harmony with nature’s rhythms.

Click Here To Learn More


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