Pruning for Clarity, Vitality, & Purpose

Have you ever wondered about the secret to abundance, thriving, and flourishing?

There’s a quiet wisdom in nature, one that teaches us that growth isn’t just about expansion, but also about release.
A tree does not cling to its dead branches, it sheds them so that new life can emerge. Yet, as humans, we often hold on, whether it’s outdated beliefs, emotional burdens, or commitments that no longer align with our path.
Without realizing it, we carry excess weight that hinders our true potential.

For over 25 years, I have studied and worked with the Moon cycle, developing the Lunar Alchemy process. In my experience, the Last Quarter Moon holds the key to transmutation, turning lead into gold. It is in this phase that we are called to cut away, release, and let go, much like pruning a tree, to stimulate new growth.


What Is Symbolic Pruning?

Symbolic pruning is the intentional practice of clearing space in our lives, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It aligns with the waning moon’s energy, particularly the last quarter moon, when we transition from fullness to renewal. This is the phase where we refine, release, and prepare for the next cycle of growth.

But pruning isn’t about loss, it’s about renewal. When we let go of what no longer supports us, we make space for
clarity, energy, and deeper alignment with our purpose. Just as a gardener clears away overgrowth so the healthiest plants can thrive, we must periodically trim away what’s no longer serving us. This is the essence of symbolic pruning, consciously releasing the unnecessary so that we can flourish with intention and vitality.

Recently, the idea of pruning has surfaced repeatedly in my awareness. My husband, Scott, introduced me to its significance in syntropic farming, a regenerative agricultural practice. He shared:

“The word syntropy, as contrasted to entropy, paints a powerful picture of a system that accumulates matter
& energy, becoming more complex over time, all in order to create abundance.”

In syntropic farming, a concept based on natural abundance, pruning is essential. Instead of discarding cut branches, they are returned to the soil, enriching it with nutrients. Similarly, when we release old habits or emotions, we don’t lose them, they transform into wisdom, fueling our next chapter.

The goal of syntropic farming is to reforest the planet and restore degraded soil biodiversity. Similarly, pruning our lives, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, creates a fertile foundation for growth and abundance.

During my Soul Gardening class, one student shared,

“Everything feels clearer. I’m taking decisive action and facing old patterns. When they come up, I can say, ‘This doesn’t serve me anymore,’ and let them go. I feel like I’m in a renaissance of self-love and care. It’s not just about self-care routines but really listening to myself and honoring what I need.”

In my Soul Gardening class, you will attune to the rhythms of nature — the cyclical rhythms of the Earth, such as the seasons and the Moon cycle — to support your spiritual growth and cultivate your dream life like a garden.

Similarly, in Soul Gardening, pruning represents conscious and intentional growth. The tree symbolizes our dreams and desires, while the soil represents our subconscious. By cutting away what no longer serves us, we cultivate an ecosystem that supports our soul’s deepest aspirations.

A Pruning Ritual for the Last Quarter Moon

1. Reflect on the Full Moon’s Insights

Revisit your Full Moon Wheel or journal about what you’ve learned and experienced in the past lunar phase.

Identify What No Longer Serves You

What needs to be pruned to allow for greater alignment and growth?

Prune on Four Levels:

*Physical: Release tension, unhealthy habits, or clutter.

Mental: Let go of overwhelming commitments or limiting beliefs.

*Emotional: Cut away resentment, self-doubt, or old wounds.

*Spiritual: Clear out stagnant energy, grief, or obstacles to joy.

4. Commit to Your Growth

Write down what you are releasing and what you are cultivating in its place.


The Ritual of Release

Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the center. On the left side,
write your dreams, intentions, and commitments, those that feel alive in your heart and aligned with your path. These may have shifted in recent weeks, offering fresh clarity.

Some examples:

  • Physical: Continue clearing my heart chakra and expanding into Christ consciousness.

  • Emotional: Show up with responsibility and integrity in my relationships.

  • Mental: Direct my energy toward the growth of Soul Gardening in 2025.

  • Spiritual: Cultivate a daily joy practice.

On the right side, name what you are ready to release, outdated beliefs, attachments, fears,
or patterns that no longer serve your highest good. Write with honesty. Honor what has been but recognize that it is time to let go.

Once finished, cut the page in half down the center. The left side represents your future,
while the right side symbolizes the past. Hold the left side in your hands, take a deep breath and acknowledge
its place in your journey. Then, in a sacred ritual of release, burn it safely. Be mindful of safety, especially in dry
areas like Arizona or Colorado; use a fire pit, or a bathtub for controlled burning.

As part of my personal ritual, I light a candle and write a letter on the back of the page,
a message to God, I express what I’m letting go of and why, acknowledge the lessons, and offer gratitude.
Then, I surrender it to the fire. This practice is deeply meaningful to me, transforming release into a sacred
act of liberation and renewal.


The last quarter moon calls for release. Its waning light urges us to slow down, to strip away what no longer
nourishes our growth. 

The question, what will you prune so that you can flourish?

If you’re ready to embrace the power of symbolic pruning and align with nature’s rhythms,
join us for the next Soul Gardening class in March.

Click here to learn more


Soul Gardening: Planting the Seeds of Intention with the Pisces New Moon


 Advancing Your Psychic Work: 6 Steps to Deepen Your Intuition