The Magic of Decision

As Yama Mubtakeraker once said, “Decision making is power. Most people don’t have the guts to make ‘tough decisions’ because they want to make the ‘right decision’ and so they make ‘no decision’’. Often, the fear of making the wrong choice leads us to make none at all. But by delaying, we miss out on what truly matters — the pursuit of our dreams and the things that feed our soul.

I’ve made a few big decisions that have changed the course of my life in a radical way. Once you decide to do something, even if it seems like an improbable task, you figure out a way to do it.

There’s a deep and beautiful power in decision making. The moment you decide, the universe shifts. Your direction becomes clear, and the path forward is illuminated. When you truly decide to do something, you open yourself to the possibilities and solutions of making it a reality.


The benefits of the decision are many: 

Decision brings clarity

What if you don’t know exactly what you want out of life? Start by deciding to figure it out. Even if the goal seems distant or uncertain at first, the act of deciding begins to unravel the confusion and reveal the right path.

Decision propels forward

Once you decide, you can take action. Indecision, however, leaves you stuck, spinning in place without direction. The moment you decide, you free yourself from the weight of uncertainty, and suddenly, you’re equipped to move toward your dreams.

Reveals what to say ‘yes’ to and what to say ‘no’ to

When you know what you want and have decided to make it happen, you get very clear on what to say ‘yes’ to and what to say ‘no’ to. This kind of clarity helps you figure out what to do with your precious resources: your time, attention, desire, and creativity.

The ultimate power to live the life you want to live

When you decide what you want and commit to making it a reality, you wield the ultimate power to shape your life. You no longer drift; instead, you steer your own ship toward your destination. 

Decision liberates your energy and focus

Decision involves making a choice between options, which implies that some options are cut off and no longer weigh you down. I have made difficult decisions in my life — some that seemed impossible at the time, but each one has liberated me from a life of uncertainty and fear. Deciding to heal from emotional pain, deciding to follow my dreams, and deciding to live in alignment with my values have all led me to a place of joy, peace, and purpose.


What is Magic of Decision?

The root of the word “decide” comes from the Latin decidere, which literally means “to cut off.” Deciding is one of the most powerful tools you possess to create what you want in your life. 


How do you wield the Magic of Decision?

This South Node Eclipse season is a time of powerful transformation when it comes to decision-making. Just as a gardener tends to their plants, you get to choose what you want and how to cultivate it. 

Decide what you want to create:

Reflect on your inner garden. What do you want to cultivate in your life? What are the flowers—your goals, dreams, and desires — that need your attention and nurturing?

Take deliberate action:

Once you've made your decision, it’s time to act. Like watering your garden, every action you take should be in alignment with your goals and dreams. Whether it’s starting something new, this Eclipse energy will propel you forward with clarity and focus. 

Cut away distractions and weeds:

The South Node Eclipse is a powerful moment to remove the “weeds” that are stealing your energy — old habits, limiting beliefs, fears, and procrastination. This is the season of cutting away, allowing you to create space for what truly matters. 

Observe and refine your progress:

Are your actions bringing the results you hoped for? If not, adjust and refine your approach. When you make way for what you’re deliberately growing, you’re using your magic of decision to choose what you want to grow and put your resources into.


As you stand at this crossroads, what will you choose to cultivate in your life? What old patterns will you gently release to create space for your true desires? Remember, the essence of magic resides in our choices and the dreams we dare to nurture.

If you’re ready to embrace the transformative energy of decision-making and the lunar cycles, I invite you to get the copy of my book, Activating Lunar Alchemy. In my book, you'll discover valuable insights and tools designed to help you align with the Moon's phases and to make decisions that resonate with your true desires and intentions.

You can find it on HERE.


Exploring the Circle: A Timeless Symbol in Art's Journey