The Magic of Transmutation


“Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.”
– Roy T. Bennett


Every step of the Moon cycle is important, and to experience the wholeness and healing of it, do each of the four steps of the Moon work and repeat. This last step of Lunar Alchemy sums up the alchemical workings of this process. This is where the magic happens!

The Last Quarter Moon contains the secrets of alchemy and how to transmute your lead into gold. At the Last Quarter Moon, you attune yourself to the shedding and releasing of energy of the waning Moon. This has many benefits, especially in that this step is the key to transmuting your pain into abundance.

The benefits of shedding with the Last Quarter Moon are:

➢ Make space to receive spiritual abundance

➢ Letting go equals liberation

➢ Release your obstacles and move forward more easily

➢ Increase your inner peace and comfort

➢ Become unstoppable


What is the Magic of the Last Quarter Moon?

At the Last Quarter Moon, the Moon is waning or getting smaller. You'll see the Last Quarter Moon in the morning sky above your head at sunrise. In astrology, the Last Quarter Moon makes a closing square to the Sun.

The energy of the Moon in the Last Quarter is shedding and that energy is running out and getting less organized. To attune to the Moon's energy, you release and let go.

The magic of the Last Quarter is that it invites you into the alchemical process of transmutation, which changes a substance from one state to a superior state. The conservation of energy law states that matter is neither created nor destroyed in a closed system. Yet, it can be changed from one form to another. Working with the Moon will reveal the magic of how to do this.

If you have a fear and decide to confront it, address it, and release it, you may be able to take that fear and turn it into courage, strength, or faith. This is transmutation as far as the human mechanism is concerned. You’re taking one energy that appears to be blocking you and turning it into another energy that appears to be supporting you.

Letting go creates a vacuum. That vacuum will want to be filled up. So don’t stop at letting go — fill yourself back up with what you dream and desire.

As I have shared in my stories, letting go might feel difficult.

Letting go could look like surrendering to God or Spirit and asking for Divine help.
Letting go could also mean doing forgiveness work on yourself or with other people in your life.
Letting go could also mean ‘grieving’.


Creating the Last Quarter Moon Wheel:

11 x 14 paper
Compass or large circle to trace
Paint, markers, colored pencils, or other fun art supplies
Lighter or matchesa

  1. Make some sacred space and time for yourself.

    2. Make it special, light a candle, or get a glass of wine or cup of tea

    3. Create a Last Quarter Moon Wheel based on the diagram

    4. Look back at your most recent Full Moon Wheel to remind yourself of your insights

    5. On the left side of the line, write what you want, your dreams, and your desire.

    6. On the right side of the line, write what you want to release or let go of

    7. Spend a few moments in gratitude for the things you’re letting go of

    8. When you’re done, tear off the right side and burn it as a symbolic act of transmuting it into light.


Your limiting beliefs, painful emotions, unwanted behaviors, bad habits, challenges and obstructions can be let go of, loved and accepted. This frees your energy to be put toward your purposeful endeavors.

This Last Quarter Moon work could be easily overlooked, especially if you have a hard time letting go. Yet, this is a very important part of the creative magic of the Moon work.

If you want to dive deeper into the magic of transmutation and the powerful practices of Lunar Alchemy, consider purchasing my book, Activating Lunar Alchemy. You can find it on HERE.


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