The Magic Mirror

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
– Carl Jung


The Moon is Full on Sunday, July 21, 2024.


For much of our lives, we experience what’s being run by our subconscious and unconscious patterns. We look at the world through the lens of our experiences, including childhood, family, and cultural paradigms. We predominantly act and react from our childhood programming until we increase our conscious awareness of these patterns and programs. With this awareness, we can heal and change these patterns to set ourselves free.

The Full Moon part of Lunar Alchemy takes the most courage in this Moon Cycle work. Yet, if you’re willing to be honest with yourself, doing this part of the process is very rewarding and offers tremendous healing, blessings, and valuable insights into yourself and life.


The benefits of attuning to the Full Moon and looking in the Magic Mirror are the following:

Know Thyself — the Key to Fulfillment

At the Full Moon, you self-reflect with the heightened illumination. I call this ‘looking in the magic mirror.’ Practicing this art of self-reflection at the Full Moon will give you insights into what’s really going on with you. This allows you to increasingly create a more fulfilling life and a life of spiritual abundance.

Become Empowered to Create the Life You Desire

At the Full Moon, you have the opportunity to look at who you are, what you have accomplished, and what’s holding you back. When you begin to know and see your gifts, strengths, and values, you can increase and leverage them to create the life of your dreams.

Increase Your Liberation to Live Authentically

To have real liberty in your life means taking full responsibility for your life and dreams. In order to change your lot in life, you must be 100% responsible for yourself. At some point, to create what you want out of life, you need to own your past, be present, and work toward the future you desire.

Expand Your Self-Conscious Awareness

By practicing this Moon work and self-reflecting during the Full Moon, your self-conscious awareness will increase. This is a blessing because you'll begin to see how powerful, creative, and gifted you really are. You'll begin to have an intimate relationship with your dreams and desires and how to achieve them.

Make Better Decisions for Yourself

If you know what you want and are willing to do what it takes to achieve it, deciding what supports you and what to cut away becomes easier. If you don’t know who you are or what you want, it’s tempting to stay in indecision and be swept away by the current of your life.

Increase Self-Love, Compassion, and Self-Acceptance

Over the 30 years that I’ve been seeking healing and growth, I’ve seen, felt, and experienced a lot of pain, suffering, and darkness in myself. Working through the loss, grief, shame, and fear has rewarded me with immense compassion, as well as self-love and self-acceptance. This is an ongoing process. 


The Full Moon is a culminating time bringing plans, ideas, and projects to their fullness and fruition. This is why I encourage you to look at your results at this stage of the Moon cycle. The Full Moon may bring you clarity and insight. Another magic of the Full Moon is what I call ‘The Magic Mirror.’ With the heightened illumination of the Moon, this is the moment to catch a glimpse of the unconscious or subconscious patterns that are operating under the surface of your awareness. Invisible mechanisms can become visible to you.

To attune yourself to the Full Moon’s energy, take time to self-reflect and pay attention to what’s happening in your life. As the Moon reflects the Sun, so must you utilize the reflected light of your higher self to see your subconscious self during this heightened time of seeing.

If you have a challenge you’re facing repeatedly and are having difficulty figuring out what’s going on, the Full Moon is the time to be open to receiving the necessary insights. At the Full Moon, you're like a detective looking at the discrepancies between the clues. Some of the clues are your dreams and desires calling you forth. Observe where there's energy, enthusiasm, and action. These are very helpful clues in creating the life of your dreams.


Dive deeper into the transformative power of the Moon with my book, Activating Lunar Alchemy.
It provides comprehensive guidance on harnessing the Moon's magic for a life of fulfillment


The Magic of Transmutation


The Magic of Creativity