Unearthing Your Inner Garden: Tending to the Unseen Depths of Your Soul

Are you feeling disoriented, lost, or overwhelmed with emotion that is throwing you off course?

I get it. I feel disoriented, vague about my plans, and unclear on what I want.


Typically at this time of year I would be guiding you to focus on your planning and preparation for Spring planting. This end of the Winter period in March is a time for getting prepared for the busy and active Spring season ahead, where you plant your literal or symbolic seeds and start to tend and cultivate them. The First Quarter Moon (March 6, 2025), too, suggests that this is a time to take supportive actions towards your dreams and goals.

Yet, something is off.

I believe this cosmic interruption is due the current Eclipse Season, intensified by Neptune at the last degree of Pisces and Saturn moving through Pisces. This particular Pisces-Virgo Eclipse is beckoning you to go deeper into yourself; get past the superficial places in your psyche that you have already explored; and head into the unknown depths of your soul.


Consider the garden as a metaphor for your life. Generally, you might pay attention to what's on the surface of your garden: the plants you planted, the volunteers, the mulch, the compost, and perhaps the topsoil. 

Here in Sedona, there are 2 weeks left in Winter. In my garden, there is stuff happening on the surface of the garden: the Spring grasses are sprouting, the perennials are growing new leaves, and the fruit trees are budding.  I planted some Purple Karma Barley on the New Moon in Pisces, which is hopefully doing it early sprouting under some hay. 

But what is happening under the surface of the garden, in the deeper, hidden places below the top few inches of soil? 

There is life and nutrients waiting to be brought up into the topsoil to be used for new growth.

In my garden metaphor, I think of the soil as the subconscious and the unconscious. The subconscious is the top few inches of soil that as a gardener you might encounter frequently, dig into, add compost to, etc. The deeper dirt signifies the unconscious – you don’t really know what is going on down there.

When I tune into the March 2025 Eclipse energy, especially as it just transited Neptune, and will soon transit Saturn, my gut tells me that we are plumbing the depths of the unconscious.  I struggled to come up with the words to describe this inner delving into the mystery of the unconscious. Yet, what you are experiencing is tectonic shifting and changing that is potentially so deep that it is unfamiliar and indescribable, and the resulting effects of this movement are unpredictable. 

On a positive note, I tend to believe that Eclipse energy brings an evolutionary shift towards your Soul’s path. 

Early on in my gardening career, I lived in Moab, Utah.  One spring, I planted sunflowers and echinacea. I thought the golden yellow of the sunflowers would be so beautiful with the red violet of the echinacea. 

I didn't get either! What ended up growing in my garden were moonflowers or Datura.

At first I was mystified. This was the first experience I had with magical gardening. I figured some kind of transformation took place, yielding Moonflowers. In hindsight, I see that I received what I needed, rather than what I thought I wanted.

I feel like this Spring, with its fathomless Eclipse energy, is similar: I am planting what I think I want, and yet something mysterious and inexplicable is happening. By harvest time, I may end up with something totally different (and more meaningful).


Would you like to learn more about Soul Gardening and the Spring 2025 Eclipses? I invite you to join me for a FREE, live Zoom Special Session: March 2025 Eclipses on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 6 pm PDT/MST– Click here to save your spot

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Eclipse Season is a Time of Transformation and New Beginnings


Soul Gardening: Planting the Seeds of Intention with the Pisces New Moon