A New Paradigm: Team Trauma Healing

The Team Trauma Healing Program is the realization of a lifelong pursuit to find a healthy, effective, and wholistic way to integrate and transmute childhood emotional trauma.

Join me in person on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm for a Free Introductory Workshop about the Team Trauma Healing Program.
Space is limited to 12 participants.

Click here to reserve your spot. 



Thirty years ago, my early career consisted of working in mental health. I worked with the most severely mentally ill teens in Massachusetts. These kids had debilitating mental illnesses as a result of severe childhood trauma. The stories of their early childhood abuse would make your blood boil and break your heart. For example, one young woman who had multiple personality disorder had been ritually sexually abused by her father. Due to the severity of their mental illnesses, these teens were facing a life of being institutionalized.

Many nights after working with these teens, I would go home and bawl my eyes out. I couldn’t bear feeling the pain and suffering that these kids endured. It seemed unjust to me that their whole lives would be characterized by their early childhood emotional trauma.

Alongside working in mental health, I began studying energy healing from one of the most well known and respected energy healers in the world, Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere. At an intensive, she indicated that multiple healers could help re-integrate someone with multiple personality disorders. This idea planted a seed within me.

In 1996, I decided to return to graduate school and study psychology. I wrote a proposal that was about finding a healing resolution for schizophrenic disorders. I started to research the mind-body connection. There was little psychological research at the time demonstrating that the body somatized emotional trauma. In fact, I had to go back to Freud’s earliest work on hysteria, where he worked with, documented, and demonstrated that women with hysteria had experienced childhood sexual abuse. This work was shunned by his professional colleagues of the time. 

In 1998, I had the opportunity to pursue a terminal degree in interdisciplinary art, psychology, and spirituality. At which time, I pioneered an art therapeutic way to transmute childhood emotional trauma through self-portraiture, in essence reintegrating psyche and soma.

I left the mental health field very burnt out. Later I went into teaching, which was a much more constructive way for me to work with kids, teens, and young adults. Yet, I still longed for a restorative way to address early childhood emotional trauma.

30 years later, there is a lot more awareness and research about PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), emotional trauma, and energy healing. I was certified in a trauma healing modality in 2023, called Neuro-Bilateral Processing (NBP). In addition, I graduated from the Healing Light Center’s Crucible Program, earning a Master’s in Theology, a Master’s in Healing Arts and getting ordained with a ministry to serve as a healer.

On August 31, 2024, I am launching a new Team Trauma Healing program with the mission to train energy healers to work in synergistic teams to relieve somatized trauma that is resulting in physical illness or potentially be causing illness. From an energetic point of view the traumas are stored both in the energy field and the body. The issue is in the tissue.

Working in a team is a more effective and elegant means of working in energy healing, because the energy output of the healers is exponential when working in teams and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For example, two healers working on one client equals four times the energy and power; three healers equals nine times the power, and so forth.

Interested in learning more? Join me in person on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm for a Free Introductory Workshop about the Team Trauma Healing Program.
Space is limited to 12 participants.

Click here to reserve your spot. 


The Magic of Pain


The Magic of Listening