Lunar Alchemy: Harnessing the Moon's Magic for a Life of Fulfillment

Often, the magical is hidden in the practical. I consider the Moon work of Activating Lunar Alchemy to be practical work, like gardening, that reveals the magic of our beingness through our kinship to the cosmic order and the rhythmic cycles of the Sun and Moon. When you attune to the timing of the rhythm of the Moon, you begin to feel a oneness with Creation.

This work  is about being intentional with your life and being proactive toward your dreams and desires. You do this in conscious attunement to the Moon’s rhythm in order to optimize timing and the flow of energy. Lunar Alchemy is an easy-to-follow four-step ritual process that you do in synchronicity with the four main phases of the Moon: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter.

The Moon is, of course, important. Yet, this work is about attuning to the Earth’s rhythms and electro-magnetic field or aura, influenced by the Moon. As a citizen of planet Earth, you and your aura, too, are influenced by the subtle energy of the Moon’s rhythm. This process isn't about connecting with something outside of yourself but rather attuning to and becoming aware of a rhythm that’s operating within you.


There are many benefits to engaging in this Moon process, including:

  • Actively creating a life of meaning and purpose

  • Tapping into your inner guidance and intuition

  • Gaining clarity and direction

  • Developing and expressing your authentic self

  • Transforming damaging emotional patterns and limiting beliefs into sources of strength and abundance

  • Increasing your self-love, self-acceptance, and self-awareness

  • Becoming empowered and unstoppable


I consider attuning to the Moon with Lunar Alchemy an alchemical process. Symbolically, alchemy is  the process of turning lead into gold, but not on the literal level of these minerals. Rather, the alchemical process referred to here is the transformation of the human soul. Lead is the metal of Saturn, who is the god of our karma, limitations, suffering, and responsibility. Gold is the metal of the Sun, which signifies our spirit self, the golden self, and our higher conscious awareness. We conduct this alchemical work through the soul self, the silver self, symbolized by the Moon (the metal element being silver). The silver self is one aspect of the container of our soul, which holds all that we have accomplished and experienced
in this life and previous lives.

Doing the work addressed in detail in my book, Activating Lunar Alchemy, is a process of transmutation. You’re transmuting your internal limitations (lead), informed by your childhood programming, life traumas, and karma, into the manifestation of your best life, informed by your spirit and potential self (gold). This transmutation process is accomplished through very practical means of attuning to the Moon’s rhythm and working creatively and magically with the self through Moon Wheels.

In psychological terms, you’re working in a dynamic process to become conscious of your subconscious and unconscious limitations and change them. You’re also working with your higher self and your super consciousness to tap into and develop your dreams, desires and creativity, which generally require you to get out of your comfort zone, grow, and bring forth your potential.

Are you interested in learning more about Lunar Alchemy? My new book, Activating Lunar Alchemy, is on its way to print. Please go here to buy a pre-launch copy!


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